Mr. Dr. Bodo Linscheidt, Deputy Director-General for Digitalisation, Sustainable Consumption and Product Policy, Resource Conservation at the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV), has been Deputy Director-General at the BMUV since 2022. The Directorate is responsible for transformation, including Circular Economy and Digitalisation. As Deputy Director General Bodo Linscheidt coordinates international cooperation on circular economy as well as the German Circular Economy Strategy, product policy like the EU eco-design regulation, sustainable public procurement and digital strategies for a green transformation. Prior to this role, he worked at the Federal Chancellery for more than 10 years coordinating major environmental policy strategies of the German government, including international climate policy, emission trading and renewable energies. Before starting at the BMU in 2001, Bodo Linscheidt worked as an economist and policy advisor for a research institute in Cologne on a variety of issues, including eco-taxation, green industrial transformation and sustainable public finance.