Dr. Christiane Rohleder has been State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) since January 2022. Previously, she was State Secretary at the Ministry for Family, Women, Young People, Integration and Consumer Protection of the Land Rhineland-Palatinate and Commissioner for LGBTIQ* and gender identity in Rhineland-Palatinate (2016-2021). Before that, she was Head of division Consumer Policy - Strategy and Coordination at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (2016) and Policy officer in the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: primarily in the division Information Society, Energy and Transport, but also in the division Financial Services and the division World Food Security, International Food and Agriculture Organisations; end of 2003 to beginning of 2005 involved in the work of the First German Commission on Federal Reform (2003-2013). She holds a PHD and degree of law of the University of Regebensburg.