Katsumi Niwa, General Manager, Management Section, Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei joined Nikken Sekkei in 1989 after completing the Department of Environmental Planning at Kobe University Graduate School of Engineering. Since then, he has been involved in the development of environmentally friendly buildings, including Yamanashi Prefectural Environmental Science Research Institute (currently Yamanashi Prefectural Fujisan Science Research Institute), Iwate Prefectural University, Nippon Life Marunouchi Building, Yusuhara Town General Government Building, Kagoshima Miraikan Kankyo Miraikan, and Tokyo Gas Earthport ZEB renovation. Recently, he has been focusing on formulating and disseminating a "Construction GHG Emissions Calculation Manual'' to promote decarbonization efforts in the construction and real estate industries throughout the supply chain.Mr. Niwa is first-class architect, first-class facility design architect, certified engineer (sanitary engineering department), building equipment engineer, energy manager, and certified facility manager. He is also member of the DBJ Green Building Certification Advisory Committee and Chairman of the Office Building Strategic Renovation Planning and Revision Committee of the Long Life Building Promotion Association (BELCA).